March 15
see below

                        Pocatello AmateurClub 
                                                       Established 1957,   501c3 non profit club
,       ARRL affiliated


Pocatello Amateur Radio Club, ham radio, Idaho Ham Radio Repeaters, Idaho amateur radio exams, ham radio exams, Idaho Amateur Radio, ham radio Idaho, ARRL ,
If you need information about Ham Radio  or our club, contact any Board Member.
see the "Station Index"  member roster below.
Craig Evans K4TCO President
Cody Bright W7YJ Board Member
Dave Turnmire N7TZK Secretary/Treasure
Jon Treasure AC7JK RecordingSecretary
Leandro Diaz K7LDD Board Member
Mike Bright   WA7TT Vice President
John Wilson KØIP Board Member

The Pocatello Amateur Radio Club attempts to present timely programs that are intended to broaden the knowledge of our hobby to both those seasoned hams as well as newer hams
bring you questions, 
bring your comments, 
bring your experiences and knowledge.
and a Show & Tell if you like.
See you at a meeting.

Our meetings: 

Second Thursday of every months
7pm, ISU, T&T building
see below (news section) for program details

How to find our meeting

PARC Two Meter NET
Sunday nights  8 pm local


  What is Ham Radio,  it's "way" better than CB  or stamp collecting,  HR can be a  Hi Tech Hobby
  How to become a Ham, where to get help
  Where to take a TEST in SE Idaho
  Other Ham Clubs around Pocatello
    Straight Talk - for  new and old hams
  crazy talk by the webmaster that you may or
   not agree with. And it's Not necessarily politically
   correct !
  NEW Hams, Must watch video. Ask Dave #12
  PARC - community service
  ARRL membership/renewal Link
  Want to join our Club? 
  PARC is an equal opportunity employer

 PARC , PO Box 2722, Pocatello, Idaho 83206



March 15
more details : click here
Click for Club Contact INFO





PARC Picture Gallery

But Not So Cold

For Sale by owner
save some  bucks, take a look

Repeaters in Pocatello

147.36+ 100HzPL
146.82 - 100HzPL

442.1 + 100HzPL
448.4 -  100HzPL

See this link for more details, and
digipeater info  LINK

internet Links of interest
PARC - History & Bylaws





In the area just below, you will find the latest news
and information  from PARC, it is updated often..
Most information won't last more that a month
There is no COLD information below, .

Next Club meeting THIS WEEK   March 13

7PM ISU T&T   Thursday

Program,  a discussion about FM modulation, how it work,  How repeaters work,  How the PARC repeaters work / cross band / the term remote base.  bring your questions,  squelch types, CTCSS,   There will be a test after the meeting,  Roger ??

like I said in an email,  if you don't learn something (?) I'm buying the beer   KØIP

Also Show and Tell ,  &  a bit of discussion about the
Idaho QSO Party,  plus anything that might come up.











On the SWAP PAGE.. 


Here are the links for the Feb PARC meeting

First the "how to pass your test" presentation
download the presentation
LINK ,,  click it

and the links for making your own QSL's

Here’s the program






  Callsign look ups:
Need to find out where someone lives, sending a QSL card ?


 **The University of Arkansas ham lookup

  DX SPOTS & more
 *DX Sherlock Maps - current band conditions 10 6 & 2  meter  
          *DX Summit -  SPOTS
          *DX Watch -  SPOTS
YOUR Propagation use the Reverse Beacon Network                  
              this link shows W1AW, to change to your call , just above
              the list see "search spots by callsign" , then to see the map
              display,,  on the right top side of the page , click "options"
              show/hide go down just a bit and click show map.
              Why does this need to be so complex

  These ARRL newsletters are update often !
click the link, pick the latest edition at the top of the list 
  ARRL NEWS  General Ham News.  
  ARRL Contest Newsletter  
  ARRL   ARES  E-Letter
if your main interest is emergency communications
you should check into
  PV-ARES web.

  Want to find out what's coming in the next few weeks, check here



like Hats, T-shirts, Jackets, etc, available from

Old Town Embroidery, call 234-2679

Anderson Power Poles are available from our club treasure

Here's a video link about the Power Pole connectors   LINK
you don't need to buy those expensive crimper tools, several club members will loan theirs OR 
you bring your project to the club meeting
The Club has purchased a quantity of these Anderson Power Pole's. They are available at the meeting for $1.25  a set for the 15, 30 amp varieties & $2.25 for the 45amp units. contact the treasure at the meetings.


To all new hams
We encourage you to at least join the ARRL for one year, 
give it a try,
you will  receive 4 publications QST magazine which will exposed you to many facets of our hobby. OnTheAir,  QEX and the contest journal all on-line

if your younger than 18 you can join for FREE.

After a year, If its just not your thing, drop out.
Its simple, but give it a try.

ARRL membership/renewal Link 


Safety is No Accident
Think before you act !
Be Careful, we want you alive !
Here's some surprising  facts about  

make sure you have operating smoke detectors
                          preferably at least one on each floor of your home .
                    More is Better !!

                  THESE DEVICES SAVE LIVES !

   The PARC home page is always under construction, its up-to-date, so     check back often for  News and HAM activities effecting our members      and the hams in Southeast Idaho .    The webmaster makes no promises as to spelling and grammar  !! 

This test Pattern has circles, not ovals, if you see ovals, chances are your windows settings are incorrect for your monitor.

PLUS: if you have a gas furnace , hot water heater,
fireplace insert, anything that uses combustion
you need a CO detector

Pocatello Amateur Radio Club, Pocatello Idaho USA
if you have ideas, corrections, anything to make this web
or our club
better ,  email me-  k0ip((at))
here's a link to the webmasters "Ham History" web

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