Idaho Amateur Radio VEC Testing all classes pocatello idaho ARRL VE team Extra class, General Class, Technician Class ham exams amateur radio exams testing


Test Schedule for 2025                                                                                                         

The next test is on Saturday,  March 15,        Then    May10 , September 13, November 15
starting time: 
1pm  local time

We give tests for all 3 Amateur Classes: Technician, General, Extra.
special test sessions are available for large groups , contact Craig at  208 */\680/3527


Location: ISU   Roy F Christian (RFC)  building  
Here's how to get to the testing location ! 
The RFC building is at the North West corner of MLKjr  and Memorial drive..  across from Reed Gym, a large parking lot...
RFC is at the far end of the parking lot ,  the building with FLAG poles. a court yard with trees and bushes. 
Arial Map
When you come in the front door,  go straight to the window wall,  turn left, you'll find us. 
Testing starts at 1pm . Don't be late.. 
There will be VE's on hand starting at 12:45am to answer questions.
Please try to be on time as the testing room is only available for
a limited amount of time and we need to start promptly at 1pm sharp.


No pre-registration is required
walk-ins are welcome
All we ask is:  be on time !

All necessary  FCC forms will be provided at the test session
We have EVERYTHING you need except what's listed below


  If you are testing for your first license,
NEED TO BRING  items  12 & 3. (below)
  If you are
upgrading you license
             bring  items 
1 & 2 & 4 (below)

  If you have item 5 and haven't received your license.  CALL US.

 1.       A Government Photo Identification
         {EVERYONE  needs to bring this}     
               A Drivers license, Passport, Military ID,
               note: no copies are required, just bring the original ID 

         IF you DON'T have a photo ID ,
         then bring two other forms of  identification . 
         Acceptable forms of identification are:  your Social Security Card,
         Your birth certificate (which must have the appropriate seal),
         a utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence
         that specifically names you and your address


2.          The Test fee is $15, The exact amount is best.
       {EVERYONE  needs to bring this} You pay this to take a test !

NEW FCC RULES,         new rules you must follow presuming you past your test.....       
    NOW, heads up,   if you pass a test, you will need to pay the FCC an additional $35..       WITHIN two weeks of taking the test !!

      IF YOU DON"T follow through, your test is null and void.
      HAVE THE MONEY in your bank, ready to send  to the FCC.
        The FCC will provide payment details via email.

   You need to know your FCC Registration Number (FRN).  You
   probably don't have a FRN unless you have a aircraft radio registration
   or commercial FCC license.
   You should know if you have one. 

    Presuming you don't,   you need to get one from the FCC. 
    WITHOUT an FRN   you will not be able to test
WRITE DOWN or Print your FRN, bring it with you to the test.  YOU WILL NEED IT

           Remember ???   if you don't have an FRN --  YOU CAN'T TEST

     For complete instructions  go to this FCC Link



4.    licensed Amateur's that are upgrading 

You need to bring,  1. your ID  and  2. your money  ($15)   

You need to have a printed COPY of your license or
 a "reference copy" to give to the VEC.

How to get a reference copy of your FCC license. 
(The one can you download & print)
At the test session, you need a copy of your license, or the reference copy.  
(you need this to test, without it you will  not be allowed to test)

How to get a "reference copy" of your license
follow these instructions ,
1. Go to
2.  Type your call sign, click search.
3. ON the next page,   Click on your call sign
3. Click on the link towards the top ( just under your name)
    that says      
Reference Copy

4. Your reference copy license will be a PDF file. PRINT IT, in fact
    print it twice, you need a copy to give the VEC. They will keep it.

FYI: Hams, you also need your FRN,  ITS PRINTED ON YOUR LICENSE.

Now extra instructions: if you went to the link above and COULDN'T FIND
"reference copy"  you probably need to login at this link, then go back and try again ?

and if this doesn't work , see our CLUB page LINK which might get you there via a
different route.???

You need this copy to test, so don't give up..  you can't test without it !


 5,  ITS Highly unlikely, BUT
If you have an unexpired CSCE that you  haven't received a license for.
{You may NEED to bring it)  (If you think you fall into this category, CALL US)
The original CSCE  



still confused, contact
K4TCO, Craig,


 FYI: If you fail any test element, to retake that element costs another $15.
 FYI: Calculators are allowed except those that  remember formula's in the memories.
     NOTE!   iPhones, iPads, Androids, smartphones, Blackberry devices and all similar electronic devices  may NOT be used.
FYI:  if  this is your first license, and you pass your test, you are required to pay the FCC $35 more dollars within 10 days,  if you DON'T send in the $35 you test results are  VOID..