Pocatello Repeater page                                                   


All repeaters in Pocatello are open for general use. There are three mountain top 2 meter
repeaters that over look Pocatello.  2 are PARC radios, one is LDS.  Again all are open.
for more detailed  information about the PARC repeaters  look down this page

PARC   147.360mHz (+) Repeater / remote base   (Kinport)N7PI/r  100hz PL 
             WITH 10 Meter Link.  (29.600 mHz FM)
see write up below for codes,  look under 147.36
                      the 1 meter link can be on or off,,,   not way to tell if its on or off,   010 turns it on,   and it will stay on until someone turns it off  000

                      Heads UP,,   36 is not working well, the receiver is very insensitive.. we are working on the problem.

448.400mHz (-) Repeater / remote base  (Kinport)N7PI/r  100hz PL
WITH 6 Meter Link (52.525 mHz FM) see write up below for codes,
                 Note,  6 meter link is ON all the time unless you turn it off.  000     it will come back on in 60 minutes.

                             If you hear out of area stations,  you might want to engage in a QSO and find out where they are!

PARC   442.100 mHz (+)   Repeater / remote base  (Kinport) N7PI/r   100Hz PL
              the remote is ON and is tuned to 146.52mHz..    (all this info will be updated during the summer of 2024)

PARC   147.060mhz  Repeater (+)   (Scout) N7PI/r  100hz.PL - 100% Solar Powered     
PARC     APRS DigiPeater  (Kinport) 144.39mHz   Digital       

PV-ARES  DigiPeater 
(Kinport), mostly for Winlink comm.. 145.01mHz    Digital

LDS       146.82mHz (-)    100Hz PL

this button takes you to the IDAHOARRL web where ACTIVE Idaho repeaters are listed
some repeaters may NOT be on the list, if no one has reported them as on the air and active ??

 Idaho Repeater's   
Also , how about a map   see https://lndom.net/rpete/RepeaterDB.php  Produced by Lisa AK7WS in Idaho.

A heads up:  there are all sorts of web pages listing repeaters,  one in particular, the "repeaterbook.com"   TOTALLY USELESS  !!
in fact most online (out of state) repeater lists are useless. 

                                                 PARC repeater maintenance is paid for with membership dues.  If you are a regular on the 06 or 36 repeater, you might consider joining our club ??  Thanks

?? Buying a new radio,   things to think about  ----->    how much memory is TOOO much memory ??  Think, what do you really need and want.

Pocatello Amateur Radio Club Repeater help page                                                      PARC - home page

PARC owns and operates two 2 meter FM voice repeaters, one is a remote base..   2 UHF repeaters / Remote Base radios
Kinport and Scout Mt. As well as an APRS digipeater and host PV-ares winlink didipeater. 
heres (below) are some pictures and more detailed info about our repeaters,

Might I add, our repeaters / remote base radios are very
unique. They are real radio equipment,  not internet radio,  they are Radio ,   
any skip contacts are RADIO, not internet,  and as Radio, they are subject to the whims of the ionosphere.    best practice would be to LISTEN all the time,

Getting them built , and up on the mountains is just the beginning,  there a lot of maintenance, 
antennas break,  batteries go dead with age, just paying the rent, putting on a new ROOF !!
This  that and the other. It's Not cheap , Please consider joining our club.

PARC   147.060mHz Scout Mt.   +600kHz Offset, 100Hz PL .   
for more pictures 2008 work party  or  install 2002

Located 14 miles south of the intersection of I-15 and  Center street,  Exit  (69)    On the top of Scout Mountain.
It is open to all users,  It is solar powered.  It has NO  function other than a basic voice repeater.
The output power is about 2 watts to the antenna,  

PARC Pays the US Forest Service over $120 a year to rent the mountain top location, your club membership is important in keeping this radio on the air 

Please  :    In the WINTER Help conserve battery power,  if possible,
use simplex ..or .36 if your not in simplex  range, otherwise feel free
to use this repeater.

new batteries were installed Sept 2018
It is a GE Master Executive II  , installed 2002
repeater built by KØIP,
New antenna 2014
K9GP, AC7LI, KØIP     , antenna built by AC7LI & KØIP
installed on tower by K9GP   HOWEVER  as of summer of 2020  this antenna failed  < OUCH >         see loop antenna below


 Homebrewed  Talking controller, QST  project    Feb 1997 issue (?)                  Cavities and charge controller inside shelter.
Talking controller built by Cindy KI7SG, the talker is the green board on
the bottom (center),, Cindy was about 17 years old when she made this.

this is the  temporary    antenna  on the 06        will need to be fixed in 2021

Before the second set of solar panels were installed
Glen  K9GP getting ready to install ,
Solar array for charging the batteries,   There is NO commercial power on Scout Mt. This Repeater is 100% Solar Powered......
The top two panels were on site when we moved in.
Bottom two panels donated by KØIP.  bracket/frame  to hold panels made by and installed by  K9GP, a big job !

END END END of 06 information

147.360mHz repeater / remote base                                                                                                                                                      

Mt. Kinport  located 6 miles SW of the I-15 Center Street Exit (69) at 7200 feet.
It operates on 147.360 +600kHz offset  ... 100Hz Pl required

ITS a standard repeater unless the link is turned on, 

This repeater has a 10 meter FM Link on 29.600mhz


29.600mHz is 10 meters.. This is the FM Calling frequencies.
10 meters does have world wide propagation (at times),  so if your setting around, with nothing to do turn the link on and see if anything is bouncing off the ionosphere .  

Call CQ     ie   CQ CQ CQ  this is  (your call)  over.    remember your signal might be heard around the world.
try to give your call SLOW and concise enough to be understood,  the propagation MIGHT be perfect.  But usually there is a large amount of fading (QSB) ,
so keep your transmissions short and clear.  

Stations is Japan  have NO idea where Pocatello is,  !!!!    but probably have some idea where Idaho is,    if you lose a station because of fading (QSB) ,  I suggest you wait maybe 15 seconds and call that station again ,
using his call letters and your call letters and ask if he copies now, be quick  ,,,  chances are, if you cant here him, he cant hear you ,   keep it short   
and remember the DX is usually talking in english which is a for foreign language for them..  keep it simple.

How to tell which band a signal is on
if  the link is on
a station on 10 meters will cause a Hi & Low Beep,  "like" a  BEEP BOOP sound.. ,  at the end of 10 meter transmissions 
a 2 meter station will cause a beep beep sound  at the end of a transmission (same tone, twice) ,  Which also indicates the 3 minute time-out  timer has been reset.


    When a Link is on, any and all traffic occurring on 2 meters is transmitted on 10 meters as well as two meters
    if someone out there in "radio land"  hears you, you'll probably have breaking station wanting to take advantage of the propagation.  
     likewise, any traffic on 10 meters is repeated to 2 meters.

   The 10 meter link equipment is a  GE Master Executive II mobile radio, running  around 60 Watts, to a Dipole antenna, 

Codes   010 turns 10 meters  ON,
            000 turns OFF

other test codes   123  tests your audio. 
Press 123, un-key your radio, repeater says "ready", Key your radio and make a test transmission, when you unkey it will be play back.

ONCE turned ON, it will stay ON, until its turned off,

Who paid for a new roof, we did,  your dues did,
AD7UI, N7FLM, W7EKG   2012 installing a new roof             The APRS will remain in this building

In 2019 we moved to a new building    In 2020 we repaired the roof,   repeater had many problems,  here's our clubs youngest member helping out
 --our two meter antenna is on the center telephone pole-                                      KJ7KPP  looking a little lost !!

N7FLM and N7TZK  working the tar gun's




more pictures at    https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMqoz7H5eHFGGgnfXlAalBHmD-w17mxY0UGoA2fLEzUyxZksPrOM654DYEe4JxqaA?key=Q0JJblluWVMxdl9lekFPNmo0UVV1Wk00Nk5iRS1n







442.100 mHz.  repeater / remote base.  - Kinport ,  same location as the 147.36 repeater

This was a gift from K7NEY (sk) to  PARC..                   it uses  Kenwood commercial  radios,    (first generation)
the  442 radio is a model TKR-850   this is linked to a Kenwood TKR-750 VHF radio, which is 'frequency agile"  (16 channels)    

WE have NOT finished programming the VHF output  SO
for now its linked to 146.52, the 2 meter simplex national calling frequency.

If you are talking on  447.1 the input to the repeater, it is repeated to  442.1 the repeater output frequency,, AS WELL as to  146.52..   if there is traffic on 156.52  it is heard on  442.1..


  IF you or your club uses these radios, here's a software download
KGP-91D  for the second gen radios
KGP-66D for the first generation radios.       


Coming Soon

another UHF repeater 448.400,

How to tell which band a signal is on
if  the link is on .. and it is ON all the time unless you press 000 , at which time is should announce 6 meter link OFF, its programmed to come back on in one hour.
a station on 6 meters will cause a Hi & Low Beep,  "like" a  BEEP BOOP sound.. ,  at the end of 6 meter transmissions 
a 2 meter station will cause a beep beep sound  at the end of a transmission (same tone, twice) ,  Which also indicates the 3 minute time-out  timer has been reset.


    When a Link is on, any and all traffic occurring on 448.400  is transmitted on 6 meters as well as UHF meters
    if someone out there in "radio land"  hears you, you'll probably have a breaking station wanting to take advantage of the propagation.  
     likewise, any traffic on 6 meters is repeated to UHF meters.  This is a two way radio,,

   The 6 meter link equipment is a  GE Master Executive II mobile radio, running  around 60 Watts, to a whip  antenna mounted on the repeater building roof.. TIN, for a ground plain, 


The PARC 06 repeater was originally installed on Mt Kinport in 1976, in a building
that was eventually bulldozed about 25 years ago,  we were ask to move into a building that was
at that time owned by the cable TV company.

how many repeaters do you think were in Idaho in 1977 ?

Pocatello must have missed the cut off date for publication of this book.
click the cover picture for the answer ...
