Just how STUPID can it get ??
Our friend Ozzy Osburne once proclaimed for Sprint ..
How Many G's do we need ??

NOW Ozzy wants to know,
How Many memory channels
do we need ??
I've only got so many brain cells

The radio
manufactures must think the average ham needs a lot ..
Have we lost our minds ?
here's a few examples !!
holly cow 2400 read my lips
2400 memories ??
As stated on the Yaesu
""The FT1DR includes 1266 channel memories; 24
100-channel memory banks; memory TAG up to 16 characters..""
I'm not sure how to decipher this , what is 24 x 100,
2400 or 1266 ??
This radio also doubles as a can opener, it makes Julian potatoes,, and
picks up AM radio ,,, WOW

Mr Yaesu, we have met the enemy ! and he must be u !
BUT WAIT ! - There's more
vx8gr with 1327 how does
that work 1327 ??

And here's Mr. Icom trying to keep up with the
IC-51a boosting 1304
those 4 extras make it better

IC-T70A with only a puny 302 memories
vx3r only 1000 how could you
survive. ftm-400r 1000 memories
, everyone needs at least two ?

thd72a with 1000
tmv71a with 1000

and I haven't even mentioned all those cheap Chinese ht's

Might I ask a question, did Einstein actually say this ??
But its on the internet , so it must be true !!!
As Forrest Gump said
"stupid is as, stupid does"
And lastly, a rhetorical question
10-4 Good Buddy ?