We  need your old PARC pictures.  PLEASE help preserve our History.  If you have any pictures DIGITAL OR NOT  , please contact KØIP..  Please !!!      

PARC Scout mt repeater 2005

PARC 2010

Do you have pictures that can be added to these albums
Do you have any pictures from the olden days ?? Please we need them


PARC W1AW Story and pictures 2014

Other Ham Related Picture album's.
KØIP's crazy ham Pics from around the world - 1962 to present   

VHF Contest 1980's KØIP - N7IJ
VHF Contest 2001  KØIP -  
VHF Contest 2002 KØIP - K9GP - N7YYY
VHF Contest 2003 KØIP - N7IJ
VHF Contest 2004 KØIP - N7IJ
VHF Contest 2007 KØIP - W4OV

KØIP Space Shuttle - Franklin Jr Hi,  1995 
KØIP & W7DRF Orlando Hamcation 2006 
WØDEL Sale, Kansas  2007     
ON8PO USA Big Trip 2008
ON8PO Belgium 2007
KØIP CQ WW Contest 2010 St Croix USVI

Idaho Potato Contest Group - ALL - 2009
Idaho Potato Contest Group - ALL - 2010
Idaho Potato Contest Group - ALL - 2011
Idaho Potato Contest Group - ALL - 2012

More Pictures??

Great Idea, but
it depends on YOU

Please help,
do you have any 
old photos of a
PARC activity.

Or your Ham activities



   If all fails--
Heres a link, to all of the PARC and KØIP'S adventures ,LINK