Want to join our Club? membership form & dues info  link                                                          

Hi Guys, girls too, if your info needs updating, contact Dave Turnmire N7TZK  our Secretary/treasure.
We  also encourage you to update your information at QRZ.com. you need  to register (link)  to administer  your QRZ  data as well as
view most of the information available for other hams !   So register. and yes I think it's stupid too. just do it. its free.

Also: its the law, you need to inform the FCC  if you move,  see the PARC help page.  It's Easier than you think

Sorted by last name.                                                       Heads Up, PARC Members,  you should be receiving club meeting Emails
                                                                                      at least once a month ??  If you ARE NOT , you need to contact KØIP and find
                                                                                      out whats broken,  wa0dyu-/\-gmail.com           OH,   that's a zero not a capital o      :-Ø  

Notes: Sorted on last name    name of spouse                                                                                         Phone: 208 unless something else is indicated , 
                                                                                                                                                                                         Emails, remove the goop insert @

  Last name Spouse CALL Military service, see military roster for more info   Phone Email        
Tim Andres   KG7VN Army   530-}945**}6381 N175PT({})gmail.com Extra 1977   2024
Clint Beard   N7LJQ     *///524=1300 beard-clint-\/-gmail.com Extra` 1984   2024
Gene Bell   AI7BV     +435+=237/3122 gene-/\-ecbell.com Extra 2015   2024
Mike Bright   KE7YGG     *//221=+5292 beelineconstLLC({})gmail.com General     2024
Cody Bright   KK7QHF     */=223,.3876 brightfam901-\/-gmail.com General 2024   2024
Michael Bright   KK7JFG Army NG/ Army       General 2004   2024
Ted Christensen   N7BNU         General 2005   2024
Howard Cornwall   KG7RFD       hcornwall93()()gmail.com General     2024
Bill Costello   KI6HOG     *\\\705"""1882 olletsoc60=/\=gmail.com General 2007   2024
Leandro Diaz   K7LDD   Recording Secretary *\312/\7291 JLCDDiaz--gmail.com  General 2022   2024
Rhett   Downing Beth ND7O     */233-/4539/\ nd7o -/\- arrl.net Extra 1993  (1) see code 2024
Aaron Emfield   KJ7ZOX Air Force    */\406""9653 aemfield(|--)hotmail.com Technician 2021   2024
Avril Emfield    KJ7ZOZ      *""406.,1669 britinusa007(--)hotmail.com Technician 2021   2024
Craig Evans   K4TCO ID NG President  /VEC */\680/3527 idcspud-/\-aol.com Extra 2008   2024
William Frymire   KM5F ID/WY NG    */240/0669/\ wlfrymire -\\- gmail.com Extra 2016   2024
Jim Glennon   N7JMG Air Force   307+389?\1118 wybtny_=_gmail.com Extra 2007   2024
Kenyon Hart   KG7IDY      *-/237/7417/\ hartkjfamily -//- yahoo.com Extra 2014   2024
Bob Hartman   KI7AIW       bobhartman49(--)gmail.com General 2016   2024
Elborn Hewett Beverley  ↓ KA7MLM ID NG   *-\237/8890/\ elborn.hewett -\\- gmail.com Extra     2024
Beverly Hewett Elborn     ↑ N7WYK     *-\237/8890/\ hewebeve -++- isu.edu General     2024
Jim Hicks   KO7P     */-244/.2942 ko7p -\/- msn.com Extra 1998 3,4,5,6  2024
Bob Hughes   WB6CGH Air Force   /\530-+613{}8556 crzrbob++{}sbcglobal.net General 1968   2024
John Keck   KK7QMJ     *//221{}1870 johnfkk_2(<>)protonmail.com Technician 2024   2024
Dale Kelly   KK7UOD     */\251()5407 davekelly57(--)gmail.com Technician 2024   2024
LeeAnne Lish   KD7LEA     */'241/-\3701 Lishle(--)aol.com Technician 2009   2024
Jerrold Martineau   KA7QCC         General     2024
Brad Maxwell Kim   ↓ N7FLM Navy Vice President *^/317/6159/\ bjmaxwell -""=- n7flm.com General 1993   2024
Kim Maxwell Brad  ↑ KE7YGE     *^/317/6159/\ kmax91012 -""- gmail.com Technician 2008   2024
Adam McKinney   KK7KHE       adam.mckinney-.-/icloud.com Technician 2023   2024
Todd Nunan   KE6LWA       twnunan()yahoo.com General     2024
Neil Murdock   W7NJM     */716/1607/\ nmurdock -##- capcomills.com General  2016   2024
Craig Nickisch Marge WØWN Army   */232/9122/\ craig -##- nickisch.us  Extra 1956   2024
Scott Ogilvie   KG7GYR     []801..\857\8842 scogilvie++=casent.net Technician 2013   2024
Richard Patrick Patricia ↓ KR7W     {}253[]301/\8715 599kr7w-""-gmail.com Extra 1963   2024
Patricia Wingerter Richard  ↑ WT7N     {}253[]432/\6274 plwingerter-{}=gmail.com Extra 2022   2024
Kevin Pendlebury   KI7UKJ       denaput -$$- yahoo.com General 2018   2024
Charles  Plew   KD7VWX     */-317/1947/\ cplew19802 -()- aol.com  General 2003   2024
Marie Poppleton   KC7MVR     */237/2946/\ irlslady -**- aol.com General     2024
Jamie Ramsayer   KC7DSL     */904/0398 ramsjam2-()-.isu.edu Technician 1996   2024
Scott Roberts   KJ7CZY     *'' 731/7507/\ srcellman--=-msn.com Extra 2019   2024
Bob Ross         *"""996/\0764 robertkross55_{}_ Extra 2024   2024
Amina-ann Ruppert Moritz       ↓ KJ7ZOY     *../406--4229 amina-ann(][')hotmail.com Technician 2021   2024
Moritz Ruppert Amina-ann↑ KJ7DPY  


*/380-9664\/ simonmoritzruppert)(gmail.com Extra 2019   2024
Mike Saville   K7CF Air Force   *-/244{4216/\ k7cf -++- msn.com Extra 1960   2024
John Schwarz Linda   ↓ KI7IQJ     *%/241/7430/\ fireproofdata -()- gmail.com Technician 2016   2024
Linda Schwarz John    ↑ KAØAJS Army Reserve   *-/241/7430/\ fireproofdata -)(- gmail.com Technician 2009   2024
Doyle Serr   KC7LCQ     *\237\/4542 rreselyod67==gmail.com Technician 1995   2024
Dick Thomas Sue WA7VKE   Board member *#/709/6006/\ richarddavidthomas407/\gmail.com Extra 1973 (1) see code 2024
Jon Treasure   AC7JK     *()390+/6748 jon_treasure(\/)yahoo.com Extra 1976   2024
Jeffrey Trunzer   no call yet     *()970---3857 jeffery.trunzer++=gmail.com       2024
Dave  Turnmire   N7TZK   Secretary/Treasurer *~/233/1427/\ davelturn -{{- gmail.com Extra 1991 (2) see code 2024
Mike Vaughn   WB7DNU Navy   *!/380/9452/\ mike.vaughn13/\icloud.com Extra 1975   2025
Paul White   KM4QAA Air Force   864?/329-_0441/\ prwj.club.ERARC--gmail.com. General 2015   2024
Willis Whatley   WA5VRL   Board member */\237/2723 whatley1952-()-gmail.com Extra 1968   2024
John Wilson Pat KØIP Air Force Board M /Webmaster *!/251/6441/\ k0ip-/\-k0ip.com Extra 1962 (1) see code 2024
Mike  Wilson   WB7ECB     *~/339/0702/\ wb7ecb -=- gmail.com Extra 1975   2024
Note: Email Address have  various symbols substituted for the ""@"".
this  was done to protect our members from Robots  !!
Robots that search web pages and steal email addresses,  then selling them to SPAM Lists
Elmer codes
1  almost anything
3. antennas
LINK TO our                    VET's  roster ,,   a work in progress ,,  4. home brewing
5. contests/dx
6. electronics
Stephen Timm   KK7EMZ Army & Air Force   *++705{}6530 tns_ind-==-msn.com Technician 2022                            
Dan  Leahy Lynne N6WRA Marines     Stolhead _[]_yahoo.com extra  1955    
Paul Smith  Gertrude W7EKG Air Force   *&/237/7876/\ gps -=- ida.net Extra 1964 (1) see code                          
Brandon Taylor   KJ7LUB       btaylor756/--/yahoo.com General 2020                            
Carson Taylor   KJ7LUC      *!\380/\6240 kj7luc-+-gmail.com Technician 2020                            
Tim Rossiter   KG7ON     //503\407+3574 rosstimo-+-isu.edu Extra 2018                            
Larry Petersen   KK7CCP     */\254}{0889 kk7ccp+-#arrl.net Extra 2021                            
Betty Pierce   KJ7ZOV     *//233][6764 bwampierce/\gmail.com Technician 2021                            
Ken Housley Barbara  ↓ K7OKG       khous11 -{}- gmail.com General 2014                            
Barbara Housley Ken       ↑ KG7IZF       barbara.b.housley -[]- gmail.com General 2014                            
Joshua Hayes   KN4OHX     219__204?1212 joshhayes34__=+= yahoo.com  Technician 2021                            
Steve Drake   KI7UKH . Army     steven_merriann@msn.com Extra 2018