WEB Last updated 8 march 2025 . |
Hello, I have for sale an Alinco DX-SR8 HF transceiver ,
it’s in good condition. Works good and is excess to my
needs, asking $375
Has the power cord and a yaesu handmike, the original Mike
was trash specs are as shown below
Ken hamitupkk7qc((AT))gmail.com

Covers the 160m to 10m amateur bands in SSB, CW, AM and FM
Output power is 100W SSB/CW and FM, 40W in AM with low and super-low
power settings for QRP operation.
In addition, the general coverage receiver covers 135KHz to 30MHz in
all modes
Swan 400 Transceiver w/ Power Supply, Swan 420
VFO and Owners Guide – Downsizing shack.
Transceiver powers up and receives great. Couldn't get it to tune for
xmit so may need new finals. I made
a lot of contacts with this great radio back in the day. Pretty good
condition for its age. I'll throw in the Shure mic. $300 obo.
Prefer pick-up but would consider shipping at buyer's cost.
Yaesu VX-5R 3-band (50/144/440) HT w/
accessories - I love this radio but bought 2 more and no longer
need it. For the last few years, I've mostly worked satellites with it.
Works great but power-on can be a
little temperamental. $175 obo. Willing to ship at buyer's expense.
contact Dennis N7EGY 208-221-1471 |
new in the box , pickup in Pocatello
$90 call k0ip 208 251 6441 you can pay the
owner direct. W7EKG |
Kenwood TS-120 with (very rare) DFC-230 Frequency controller ,,,,
with mike , power cord, book, factory box for the controller,
all tested,
this is an older radios, but work well,
$250 , drop into my shack and work the radio, its in excellent
condition, kØip 208 251 6441 |
MIDDLETON,, Boise area
TS-2000 All Mode, Multiband Transceiver
and MC-60 Desk Microphone
Bands: HF/50/144/440
Modes: AM, FM, LSB, USB, CW, FSK
Jay for more pictures ,, and more info
Jay W6JVW Zzygote((AT))socal.rr.com
Works as it
should. No
scratches or blemishes on front panel.
The case does have some scratches CONTACT
Jay for more pictures ,, and more info
TS-2000 Transceiver
MC-60 Desk Microphone
MC-43 Hand Microphone
Power cable
No original box or manuals (manuals can be found online)
My spouse believes that we should relocate to her hometown
of New Plymouth, Idaho.
I initially planned to take my tower and all its antennas
with me; however, I have since reconsidered.
The tower and its antennas are in like new condition; I
would love to see the tower and its antennas
go to someone who would put them to good use.
The tower is a TBX48 Galvanized Steel tower…
Same as Rohn BX48 self-supporting..
I have the complete hardware replacement kit for
this tower so that when it goes back up, it will
have all-new hardware....
In addition, I have purchased new 4' concrete base
stubs with ACWS to replace what is now in the ground
supporting the tower. Note: A base is available to
make this same tower a stand-alone tilt-over tower.
The current new price for the tower and antennas
would be $5,745.93 (see list below).
I am asking $2,500.
This tower currently has a M2 Antennas 6M3 6 Meter
Yagi and a Mosley TA-33JR WARC Yagi, using a
Yaesu G-1000DXA rotator. It also has an
Off-Center-Fed 7 Band Antenna wire antenna for 80m
10m that works well attached to the top of this
M2 6M3 6 meter Yagi: $385.99 (price from DX
Mosley TA-33JR WARC Yagi: $761.95 (price from
Yaesu G-1000DXA rotator: $619.99 (price from
DX Engineering)
DX-OCF Off-Center-Fed 7 Band Antenna: $303.00
(Dx Engineering)
NEW price $5,745.93 ---.
I am asking $2,500 for the works.
Note: This tower is still up and would need to be
taken down.
Dan Marler K7REX
one each 40 foot tower,, like the one in the picture,,,
its an HDBX40 which is heavy duty ...
WITH base legs, ALL new hardware, $550..
excellent condition, the left picture is my tower.
(Exactly same, which is not for sale.. works tooooo good,, HI)
K0ip wa0dyu@gmail.com
208 -251 6441
Note on antennas list below, we can test them in my backyard
with a VNA, assembly them, whatever,,
I also have
Ham 3 rotor $300 with cable,
TH-6DXX $100
20-15-10 meter 6 element
TH-5DXX $100
20-15-10 meter 5 element
VB 64 DX $100
6 meters 4 element
VB 66 DX $100
6 meter, 6 element Long boom
10-4CD $100
10 meter,4 element
Unknown brand:
2M and 430mhz satellite system,
long boom many cross elements, for circular $200
Unknown brand:
432Mhz 13 element long boom,
excellent $100
Unknown brand
2 meter 13 element long boom,
excellent $100
Miles of wire for antenna's or radial systems, Free
coax 25cents a foot,, (RG8u. rg213, etc) |
FL-101 Transmitter, $200 contact wa0dyu((at))gmail.com |
Six Meters 100 watts, with Band Pass tuning, VOX,
FM modules
$200, with power cord, mike, book and box, as
new, wa0dyu((at))Gmail.com |
Up for sale is a two-speed
Alliance HD-73 rotor and control box. Included is new rotor
mounting hardware, a 8' test rotor cable, a brand new 50'
roll of 6 wire rotor cable and an owners manual.
This HEAVY DUTY rotor is used in good condition. Unit has
been tested, is fully functional and works great!
The reason I am selling is that I have upgraded my
$200.00 Local pickup. If shipped, actual shipping charges
will apply. I accept cash and PayPal.
After checking the marketplace, this is the best price
offered. My Elmer gave me a great deal and I am passing it
Joe N7ENS - Good on QRZ
626 484-3715 cell and text
looking for a VHF duplexer for a 2m repeater.
I can be reached by mail: tobias(at)ac7fd.com
Call/Text: 208-968-8266
BOISE K7CTO Call/Txt: 208-954-6099 or
Steve <ctocs1998{(at)}yahoo.com>
medical issues forcing sale unfortunately - since
its terminal, I'm trying to sell as a Pre-Silent Key sale |

Call/Txt: 208-954-6099 or
Steve Layne <ctocs1998{AT}yahoo.com>
Transceiver: ICOM IC-756 PRO II
Power SupplyICOM PS-125
Microphone: ICOM SM-30
All in Excellent condition.
$ 850 or Best Offer .. includes the radio, & PS-125 & SM-30 MIC
packaged deal .. |
Kenwood CS-4125 Oscilloscope in excellent
condition - bought it several years ago
but just haven't had the time to use it ..
I have seen the cost of this unit from $270-$500 -
- so for a quick sell, I'll shoot for $150..
| |
North Logan
Collins R-390
Receiver, $550
works good
Wally Gibbons, AF7FH North Logan, Utah, Wally Gibbons <wally.gibbons--at--gmail.com>
Drake MN-4 TUNER
$150 email Wally
I have the following receivers for sale, pickup only, in North Logan,
Prices are firm. I will consider swap or price reductions for National
SW-3 broadcast band coil sets.
If you want pictures email and I'll send some to you.
National HRO 60 with A, B, C, D, and E coils. I received this radio with
no power transformer. I installed a Hammond
unit and re-capped it. It plays fine. I don't have the dial scales to go
with each coil, however. No speaker is included.
National HRO-7 with a E coil. This too has been
re-capped and was a daily driver for a year or so. No speaker is
included. I do have a power supply somewhere for it. If I find more
coils, I'll include them. I just don't remember what I acquired for it.
Hammarlund Comet with a few coil sets. It is as found, from a friends
fathers estate. I already have two, so I don't
need it, or want to restore it.
Hammerlund Super Pro SP-400 with power supply, I recapped the power
supply a few years ago. Radio plays fine but should be gone through.
Paper capacitors replaced, etc. It's heavy. I can't lift it any more.
Heathkit Apache TX-1
transmitter. Excellent cosmetic condition. I've never powered it
Price is $150 dollars.
Pocatello area
This tower will handle large antennas for the serious DXer at a lower cost than the present $14,000 price.
Not every ham will have the antenna this tower supports plus the crank over and maintenance at 22 feet above the ground.
US Tower TX-472 For Sale.
I took down in 2013 when I moved to Idaho from Utah. I put up a smaller tower.
I have a home made tilt over unit that allowed raising and lowering.
The hole to support the tower is 4X4 feet square and 8 feet deep with rebar.
20,000 pounds of Concrete .
I bought in 1987 and used it for a 4 element quad. I kept the tower at 60 feet.
The Steel on this US Tower is outstanding. I inspected the tower frequently.
I priced this tower at Dayton last year at Dayton. I was blown away. The price of
Steel has doubled the price of the TX-472 to $14,000 with $9,300 tower, the $1,200
Raising Fixture, $1,300 shipping, and $700 tax 2022 price.
This is a “Dream Tower” for serious DXers who want to mount large directional antennas like
a 4 element double driven quad I used 27 years.
$8,000 or Reasonable Best Offer
K7CF k7cf(at)msn.com or two zero eight 244-4216
Salmon, ID
for you home brew Amplifier guys ????????????????
or OWNERS of a large boat,
webmasters note,
my friend George is just like me, he knows he has good stuff, but
its hard to find a home, and
the land fill is NOT the answer
here are the transformers. Pictures got
kind of mixed up, but I think you can figure them out.
The grey one is a Thermador 8-44A:
primary, 115 -230; secondary taps4720, 5900, or 7080 center tapped at
500 ma CCS.
With full wave rectifier the voltages would be half that. And the CCS
rating off 500 ma can probably be exceeded by 330-40% in ICAS.
Weighs about 125 pounds and I’ll sell it for a dollar a pound or $125
pick up only in Salmon, Idaho.
I’m willing to drive up to 200 miles to meet half way for fuel costs.
The black one is a GE 1160 Volts center
tapped at 800 ma CCS.,
Bridge rectifier and capacitor input good for about 1600 volts or so.
This was running an amplifier with 4 of the 811A tubes in it when I got
Only weighs about 50 pounds. $50.00. I can ship this but prefer
Gates 10 Henry , 800 ma filter choke with
4,000 volt insulation about 50 pounds.
Came out of a Gates KWFM transmitter. Sell for $50. Prefer pickup but
can be shipped.
More pictures of all of these are
available for an email. I’m open to offers, trades for vintage gear,
Just need to find someone who can use these.
george W7HDL
Contact George w7hdl gbabits((at))custertel.net
Pullman, WA 99163
Items for sale: yaesu 450D like new, less than a hour
talk time on it. In the box. Asking $700
Contact WJ6FOX< j1776f(((at)))gmail.com >
McCammon, ID
K7CF, cleaning house see
this link , lots of pictures,
Webmasters note: I will try to get them better organized
when I get a bit of time
contact mike at 208-/244-/4216
SOME OF THESE HAVE SOLD,, Check WITH MIKE K7CF about whats left


eMAIL wa0dyu@gmail.com
for any of these items, POCATELLO
this is mostly estate property, all tested by me k0ip..
or 208-251-6441 |
thats a Zero wa Zero dyu |
the complete rack home brew transmitter, with RF deck
4each 4-125A tubes, want more pictures, email
$200,, you get it all
Ive got more pictures make an offer

For more pictures see this link
http://www.pocatelloarc.org/75s3cwith all filters
like new, Hi Priced, yes, but as new perfect, pay
for prefection
KWM-2A , excellent AS NEW $1500
come over and test it, Plug it in and talk,
EMP proof, all tube radio
With PM-2 power supply and collins microphone, in use at
my house now,
want the best in tube radios , this is it,,
why buy new and pay a lot for postage , get it in
Pocatello for way less money, all guaranteed to be perfect.
I have sold hundreds of feet of this
get it cheap while the supply lasts,
Think ahead, what will you need in the future ??
I have hundreds of feet of
RG-11 75ohm NEW (military) 50 cents a foot.. works
well for dipoles, and phasing harnesses on 4x4 arrays
Guys, this is a bargain, k0ip
wa0dyu(at)gmail.com |
STUFF of all kinds,
do you need parts, connectors, resistors , capacitors,
contact John 251-6441...... Really, I have one of
everything.. ask anyone thats been in my basement .. at least one of
Jimmy Hoffa is somewhere down there, too !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wire, antenna wire, radial wires,
this wire that wire, I have hundreds of
kinds of wire. if your making an antenna, I will give you the
need microphone cable , got that too. twisted pair, got that too.
25 pair Bell System wire,, that too.
boxes of CAT-5 Ethernet cable. plus the connectors and
tools to make your custom cables,
RF adapters, BNC,
N, Pl259, etc etc etc call me,, pickup only
don't be SHY, call me, lets make a deal we will both be happy
If you've every been in my basement, and garage you know that I'm not
lying , I've GOT STUFF.
I have miles of copper wire for dipoles, insulators, etc,
and 61+ years of ham know-how,
all free if
show up and want to make a dipole.
some really nice stranded , insulated wire, hard to see,
